Sunday, 2 June 2013
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Hi there. Just a quick post for today. WHAT'S ON MY TELLY TONITE? Hari ini hari Selasa, and recently inilah yang aku tonton.
Yup. Drama Melayu bertajuk Teduhan Kasih. Secara sik sengaja terfollow drama tok. I start watching since the 6th episode last week. Geram tengok watak orang jahat. Sangat terer itu olang lakon watak jahat. Hahah. Especially Nabila Huda sebab have to jadi budak baik and jahat. Antara barisan pelakon dalam drama Teduhan Kasih ialah Adi Putra, Sherry Ibrahim, Shah Iskandar, Nabila Huda, Zarina Zainuddin, Talha Harith, Rahim Omar, Liza Abdullah dan ramai lagi.
#104 or #134
Aku tak pandai masak tapi aku suka makan. Yeah. Huarhahaha. Best apa tengok rancangan Masterchef. Bolehlah dapat tips sikit-sikit. Ok. Untuk peserta ini kali, aku suka tengok....
[1] ROZITA CHE WAN (sebab Che Ta so gorgeous and stylo mylo. memang WOW)
[2] MICHAEL ANG (kelazerannya memang boleh buat rating tinggi, I loike)
[3] RADHI (sebab nya so sempoi and rajin jadi tukang angkat barang, sangat cool walaupun dapat komen yang tak best from Papa Jo)
[4] KENCHANA DEWI (funny and kecoh, masih bertahan walaupun selalu masak curry)
[5] SHARIFAH SHAHORA (sebab nya pun selamba and laser macam Michael Ang. memang ngam lah diorang ni jadi best friend.)
Tapi yang mungkin menang ialah Cellina Khor, Syanie atau Michael Ang kot. Entahlah. Just wait and see!
#104 or #134
HAAAAAAAA. Yang ini memang aku jarang missed. SINCE the 1st EPISODE. Aku suka sebab rancangan Meletop adalah rancangan yang packed with INFOTAINMENT. Plus ada cerita-cerita panas yang terkini, and then ada info tentang apa-apa yang trending dan yang penting ada parodi. Lawak gila. And and and ianya LIVE. Jadi silalah tengok hari Selasa because yang repeat maybe udah dicensored certain certain yang perlu di toooooot kan.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Hello fellow readers. Well, my post is a bit late on the news about the Golden Screen Cinemas opening another branch at City One Megamall Kuching due to busy with something. By the way, WELCOME to Kuching GSC!!! Kedatangan another panggung wayang adalah dialu alukan to give some competition to what we already have in Kuching. I still remember back then when I was studying in peninsular Malaysia, I used to watch movie at GSC and TGV. What I love the most about GSC is non other than the POPCORN. Woohooo. Sedap oooo. There is one time when I went rayau rayau at Berjaya Times Square with my friend Nia, I stop by GSC just to buy the popcorn. Bukan nya pergi nangga wayang pun time ya. Anyway, here are the promotion bersempena dengan opening GSC in Kuching.
Today is the last day to redeem your free screening tickets. Go get it now. You may print the coupon as above and show to the ticket counter for redemption. (WARNING: the queue might be quite long)
The list of movie title that can be redeemed are as above photo.
Hehe. Check out the price printed on the ticket stubs. RM0.00. Its frEE fuwee FREEEE!!!
And tomorrow onwards there will be more activities organize by GSC Kuching. Yesterday, I saw the stage was still under preparation for the opening. Come and Join the Fun (aisehmen, ayat promo lok).
Friday, 29 March 2013
Sunday, 7 October 2012
ALL MEAT. ALL MAN. ??? What the toooot? Aku pun blurr gak tengok iklan ni. Pa kena mengena meat and man? Hahaha. Err arr? Ok. Back to the burger story. This burger consist of zinger meat, mayo, a slice of something that look like a bacon (I said look alike), a slice of cheese, another cheese and zinger meat AGAIN. No bun? Yup. No bun ladies and gentleman. OMG KFC. Can u come up with a better idea? A burger without the bun? Haiyo, mentang-mentang rega tepung dah nait. Huhu.
This afternoon, I went to KFC and ordered this. Iklan macam marvelous gila, aku pun tertifu dan order. This bunless burger kononnya sesuai for the weight watcher katanya. READ THIS --> "One of the best parts of the new burger is the fact that it contains zero carbohydrates, which is the perfect meal for weight watchers."
Mungkin benar for weight watcher because since tengah hari aku biar burger tok atas meja, sampai ke malam memang ada jak jak burger tok atas meja. Limpas ku meja, agik juak ada sia. Terus takda selera makan. Semut pun sik mok makan. Pusak pun sik mok. Tengok gambar di atas. Takda semut kan. Memang aku makan half jak. Now, aku rasa sakit tekak. Macam nak demam jak. Maybe sebab zinger tok pedas. Tambahan, nya double ZINGER. berdabel dabel lah sakit tekak. Ubat batuk cap ibu dan anak dah 2 sudu ku telan. Panadol soluble dah 1 biji ku makan.
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